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Will the shielding effect of the signal shielding device be affected by the wall

Jammer B. | 10.04.2024 Aufrufe Symbol 0 Kommentare Symbol 0

With the continuous development of wireless communication technology, people's demand for signal shielding technology is also getting higher and higher. As a common device, signal jammers are widely used to shield interference between electronic devices and prevent information leakage. However, some studies in recent years have shown that walls may affect the shielding effect of signal shielding devices. This discovery has attracted widespread attention from experts and researchers.

As technology continues to advance, we use various wireless devices more and more frequently. However, in some specific occasions or environments, we need to use signal blocking devices to shield the spread of wireless signals and prevent information leakage caused by wireless communication equipment. The signal jammer can effectively block wireless signals. However, due to the complex on-site environment during use, it may be necessary to use the signal jammer across a wall. So is it feasible to use the signal jammer across the wall? Will the shielding effect of the signal shielding device be affected by the wall?

First, we need to understand the principles of signal propagation. The propagation distance of wireless signals is closely related to the influence of frequency and antenna power, antenna direction, and obstacles. Wireless communication equipment generally works in the 700MHz to 5.8GHz frequency band, and the signal penetration capabilities of these frequency bands are weak. The signal jammer also emits signals between this signal frequency band to interfere with wireless communication equipment. So, when the signal shielding device encounters a wall, will it be affected by the wall? The answer is yes. Walls also have an impact on signal penetration. Generally speaking, walls are divided into solid walls and hollow walls. Solid walls have poor signal penetration capabilities, while hollow walls have relatively good signal penetration capabilities.

The wireless signal jammer blocks the signal received by the mobile phone from the base station. It will attenuate when it encounters obstacles such as walls. Walls are made of many materials: reinforced concrete, glass, wooden boards, iron sheets, etc. The composition complexity of the wall has different effects on the signal of the wireless signal jammer. For solid walls made of reinforced concrete, the attenuation after penetration is very large; if it is made of gypsum board, the attenuation is smaller; if it is made of glass or wood, there is basically no big attenuation. Walls made of reinforced concrete are the most difficult to penetrate for shielding, while glass is easier to penetrate for shielding. The thickness of the wall will also have a great impact on the wireless signal shielding device. The thicker the wall, the weaker its penetrability will be. In other words, the thinner the wall, the stronger the penetrability of the wireless signal shielding device.

So is there any way we can solve this problem? In fact, the greater the power of the wireless signal jammer, the stronger the penetration. Therefore, if there is a requirement for wall-penetrating shielding, you can choose a wireless signal jammer with higher power. The greater power can improve the signal jammer's wall-penetrating use effect and meet the requirements for using the jammer through the wall.

In-depth analysis of signal jammer prices: understand the price range of differe

Jammer B. | 11.04.2024 Aufrufe Symbol 0 Kommentare Symbol 0

As a device used to shield or interfere with wireless signals, signal jammers play an important role in various situations, ranging from confidentiality requirements to preventing the abuse of communication equipment. However, different types of signal jammers differ in functionality and performance, so their prices will also vary. This article will take an in-depth look at the different types of signal jammer price ranges to help people better understand the market.

1. Traditional handheld signal jammer
Traditional handheld signal jammers are usually relatively cheap, generally ranging from tens to hundreds of dollars. This type of signal jammer is usually small in size and simple to operate, and is suitable for personal use or signal shielding needs in small areas. However, because its features and performance are relatively limited, its price is also relatively low.

2. Professional grade signal jammer
Professional-grade signal jammers tend to be more expensive, generally ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars, or more. This type of signal jammer usually has more powerful functions and performance, can cover a wider frequency range, has higher transmit power and more precise interference capabilities. These devices are often used in situations where efficient signal shielding is required, such as government agencies, military bases, security laboratories, etc.

3. Vehicle signal jammer
A vehicle signal jammer is a signal shielding device installed inside a vehicle to block the connection between the wireless communication equipment inside the vehicle and the external network. This type of equipment is usually more expensive, generally ranging from hundreds to thousands of dollars, depending on factors such as the functionality and performance of the equipment. Vehicle-mounted signal jammers have important applications in some specific occasions, such as prison vehicles, police vehicles, etc.

4. Custom signal jammer
Customized signal jammers are usually customized and manufactured by some professional communication equipment manufacturers or service providers according to customer needs. Their prices depend on the customer's specific needs and customization requirements, and may be higher than general standard products. These signal jammers are often more customizable and adaptable to better meet the specific needs of customers.

Different types of signal jammers have large differences in price, which mainly depend on their functions, performance, application scenarios, market competition and other factors. For ordinary consumers, choosing a suitable signal jammer not only needs to consider price factors, but also needs to comprehensively consider the performance and applicable scenarios of the device to ensure that it can meet their own needs.

High-power remote control assembly transformed into jammer

Jammer B. | 13.04.2024 Aufrufe Symbol 0 Kommentare Symbol 0

The cheap jamming device that can disable electronic car keys is actually two high-power remote controls. Li Tianliang, deputy general manager of after-sales service at Beijing Aojia Shimao Automobile Sales and Service Co., Ltd., said that during the factory, sales and after-sales process of cars, car jammers do not exist as independent detection equipment. “The jammer is essentially a radio transmitter. , it’s just that someone assembled it and used it for evil purposes.”

In the radio expert's studio, the working principle of the car jammer is clear at a glance under the measurement of professional radio instruments.

Turn on the jammer, and the computer screen connected to the broadband receiver will immediately display a symmetrical columnar waterfall chart, shaped like a thick "big tree".

The expert pressed a car key button next to the jammer at the same time, and a "thin tree" immediately appeared on the edge of the "branches" to the right of the "thick tree". The shape of the "thin tree" is the same as that of the "thick tree", except that its "trunk" and "branches" are obviously one size smaller.

Experts explained that the "thick trees" and "thin trees" displayed on the screen are the real-time frequency waterfall charts of the jammer and the car key respectively. It can be judged from the shape and size of the waterfall chart that the frequency intensity of the jammer is significantly higher than that of an ordinary car key.

"It's like someone speaking loudly next to your ear. His voice is louder and other sounds are drowned out."

In response to the situation where the jammer "missed" and some high-end cars were damaged in previous field tests. Experts explain that in a specific frequency band, if the "thick tree" completely covers the "thin tree", it means complete blocking and successful interference; if the "thin tree" happens not to be within the trunk range of the "thick tree", it means If it is not completely blocked, the interference is likely to fail.

Protecting community airspace requires installing anti-drone jamming equipment

Jammer B. | 15.04.2024 Aufrufe Symbol 0 Kommentare Symbol 0

In today's era, with the rapid development of drone technology, drones have been widely used in various fields, bringing great convenience to people's lives. However, the popularization of drone technology has also brought about a series of safety issues, especially in terms of community airspace security. The misuse and illegal flight of drones have posed a serious threat to people's daily lives. Therefore, it is particularly important to protect the safety of community airspace and install anti-drone interference equipment.

In recent years, the turmoil in the international situation has made the issue of drone safety more prominent. In Russia, Ukraine, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and other places, drones have become an important role in conflicts and disputes. Drone abuse incidents occur frequently in these areas, posing great challenges to local security and stability. Drones may carry weapons for attack, or be used for reconnaissance and intelligence theft, posing a great threat to the safety of the community. Therefore, it is necessary for us to take practical and effective measures to prevent and respond to the misuse of drones.

Anti-drone jamming equipment is an effective technical means that can interfere with and control drones to protect the safety of community airspace. Anti-drone interference equipment emits electromagnetic waves of specific frequencies to interfere with the control system of the drone, causing it to lose control or force it to land. The application of this kind of equipment can effectively prevent the abuse of drones and maintain the safety and stability of the community.

In the research and development of anti-drone jamming equipment, the anti-drone power amplifier module is a crucial part. The power amplifier module is the core component of the device. It is responsible for converting the energy of the power supply into high-frequency electromagnetic wave energy and radiating it out. An excellent anti-UAV power amplifier module needs to have the characteristics of high efficiency, high reliability, and high stability to ensure the stability and reliability of the interference effect. Therefore, choosing a source manufacturer of anti-drone equipment with strong R&D capabilities and production experience is crucial to obtaining high-quality anti-drone jamming equipment.

The application of anti-drone jamming equipment not only has widespread demand domestically, but has also received increasing attention internationally. In the current international situation, countries are strengthening the research, development and application of drone technology, and at the same time they are also facing safety challenges caused by the misuse of drones. Therefore, the promotion and application of anti-drone jamming equipment is of great significance to maintaining the security and stability of the international community.

Why is it controversial to install mobile phone signal jammers in school dormito

Jammer B. | 16.04.2024 Aufrufe Symbol 0 Kommentare Symbol 0

Students believe that freedom of communication is restricted, the school explains in detail four considerations, and dormitories have fixed phones

"The school has installed mobile phone signal jammers on each floor of the dormitory. There is no mobile phone signal in the dormitory, and it is impossible to contact the outside world in time." An anonymous netizen sent the above message to the Zaobao reporter online, complaining about the restrictions of a middle school in Jinjiang They have freedom of communication and mobile phones have become a decoration. The reporter went to verify the report yesterday.

It is very inconvenient to not be able to use mobile phones in the student dormitory

At around 11 o'clock yesterday morning, reporters came to the entrance of the middle school for interviews. A senior high school girl confirmed the netizen’s complaint. She said: "The dormitory building has been equipped with jammers. As soon as I return to the dormitory after class, there is no signal on the mobile phone." The cousin who came to pick her up said: "Her mobile phone often has no signal and she cannot contact anyone in time. If it’s really urgent, you have to tell the security guard and then communicate it through the security guard.”

Xiao Su, a second-year junior high school student, also said that the high school dormitory building is indeed equipped with jammers, but the junior high school has not. However, she heard that the junior high school will also install jammers next.

Several first-year high school boys further revealed that the school installed mobile phone signal jammers in the second semester of last year, and the jammers were installed in their dormitories. “When I have dinner at noon or return to the dormitory after class in the afternoon, there is basically no signal. You have to use the dormitory phone for phone calls." When the reporter asked them if they had mobile phones, a boy shouted: "If there is no signal, it is useless to have a mobile phone!"

The reporter followed several boys to the high school boys' dormitory. In the dormitory on the second floor, a boy led the reporter to find the jammer in the corridor. The reporter then tried dialing a few calls on his mobile phone in the corridor, and the call went through. "The jammer is sometimes on, sometimes off. Maybe it's not on now," the boys said.

One boy said: "The jammer makes people feel like they have a headache. Three or four students have this feeling."

The school has carefully considered and solicited opinions in advance

The relevant person in charge of the middle school told reporters that the school installed mobile phone signal jammers after careful consideration. There were four main considerations.

The first consideration is that some students will send messages to each other through mobile phones during exams, and even search for essays online to plagiarize. It is hoped that installing a blocker will prevent candidates from using mobile phones to cheat.

The second is that many students will lie in bed and surf the Internet after class or evening self-study. However, there is a lot of bad information on the Internet, which is very detrimental to students' growth and learning.

The third reason is that some students send text messages and make love calls after studying in the evening and before going to bed, which affects their study the next day. They are already high school students and are in a critical period.

Fourth, during the period after lights out for evening self-study, students are doing various activities on their mobile phones while lying in bed, and student administrators have no control over the students.

The person in charge said that in view of the above factors, the school chose to turn on the jammer to block mobile phone signals during the two periods of time after the lights are turned off at noon and evening self-study, "outside the monitoring line of sight", and the jammer was turned off at other times. He said that the school also considered that it could not affect the contact between students and parents, so it reduced the coverage of the jammer to only the dormitory buildings. "It will not affect the communication between home and school. The dormitories have fixed phones and IC card phones, etc. It will not affect the communication between students and teachers."

Before installing the jammer, the school did some research. The person in charge said, "The school sent a letter to parents, and many parents supported this approach." In addition, the school also held a mobilization meeting for students. Most students were in favor, but only a small number of students had opinions.

As for some students, they think jammers can cause headaches. The person in charge said that there is currently no scientific evidence that jammers can cause headaches, and the school will ask experts to investigate. If experts determine that there is an impact, the school should make adjustments, "everything must be based on the interests of students."

Parents understand that the school’s approach of not shielding is indulging.

The reporter randomly interviewed several parents, and most of them expressed understanding of the school's approach.

Parents of students who support the school’s approach believe that most mobile phones have game and Internet functions. If students are addicted to games and Internet access, it will affect their rest and prevent them from concentrating on their studies. There are all kinds of information on the Internet now, including some bad information. Frequent viewing of this information has a very bad impact on children. It is necessary for schools to block mobile phone information to protect students.

They believe that the main task of children is to study. If they need to contact home or friends, the telephones in the dormitory and campus are enough for them to use. They believe that excessive use of mobile phones is a waste of time, and mobile phones also provide convenience for early love. The school does not block mobile phone messages but makes them more indulgent.

Some parents also expressed different opinions. "Nowadays, high school students are 17 or 18 years old and have become independent. Will installing mobile phone jammers affect their freedom of communication?" Ms. Zhang, a parent of the student, believes, "Students learn on their own initiative, and the school's approach may be unilateral. ‘Wishful thinking’, restricting students’ use of mobile phones may not necessarily allow them to study with peace of mind.”

Education Department:

Protect students’ physical and mental health

More reasonable than “confiscating” mobile phones

Regarding this matter, Zhuang Yingduan, director of the Jinjiang Municipal Education Bureau, said that using mobile phones during breaks is not conducive to students' rest, and some bad information on mobile phones also has an adverse impact on their physical and mental health. The school blocks mobile phone information during specific periods to protect students' physical and mental health.

He said that mobile phones are not the only tool for students to communicate with the outside world. The school has installed fixed phones in student dormitories, and there are also magnetic card phones on campus. These phones ensure students' external contact. Blocking information on mobile phones during specific periods is generally conducive to children's rest and study, and most parents and teachers support this. It is understandable that students have different opinions. The school can publicize more to students and explain more to parents. When they know that this is conducive to protecting the healthy growth of students, they will provide understanding and support. Schools in other regions also have similar management measures, such as "confiscating" mobile phones, storing mobile phones, etc. Compared with these measures, blocking mobile phone information is more practical.

Lawyer’s statement:

No absolute freedom of communication

It is normal management behavior

Lawyer Zhang Chuanjiang, a member of the Zaobao Legal Advisory Group, believes that judging from the school's specific practices, the school's behavior of blocking mobile phones is a normal management behavior and does not violate relevant regulations. The school has installed fixed phones in each dormitory, and there are also magnetic card phones on campus. These tools can provide students with channels for external communication, without affecting students’ communication rights, nor the contact between parents and students.

No freedom is absolute, and there is no absolute freedom of communication. In fact, not allowing students to use mobile phones or bringing mobile phones into campus is a management method adopted by many schools, and it does not violate relevant education regulations. Properly regulate students' use of mobile phones, which is conducive to their learning and growth.

How to choose a suitable mobile phone signal jammer?

Jammer B. | 17.04.2024 Aufrufe Symbol 0 Kommentare Symbol 0

1. Frequency range: Different jammers are suitable for different frequency bands. Choose a jammer that covers the target communication frequency;

2. Power adjustment: Select the appropriate power adjustment function according to the usage scenario to avoid interference with surrounding communication equipment;

3. Range control: Determine the shielding range as needed to avoid affecting normal external communication;

4. Quality brand: Choose a well-known brand and reputable mobile phone signal jammer supplier to ensure product quality and after-sales service.

Precautions for using mobile phone signal jammer

1. Legal compliance: Before using a mobile phone signal jammer, understand the relevant local laws and regulations to ensure legal compliance;

2. Avoid misoperation: avoid accidentally turning on the jammer, causing communication interruption, and ensure correct use;

3. Regular maintenance: Regularly check and maintain the mobile phone signal jammer to ensure its normal working condition.

Mobile phone signal jammers play an important role in specific situations. Choosing a suitable jammer can effectively protect communication security. By understanding its functions, types and selection methods, you can better apply mobile phone signal jammers and improve communication security and confidentiality.

Can drone countermeasures intercept and destroy enemy drones?

Jammer B. | 18.04.2024 Aufrufe Symbol 0 Kommentare Symbol 0

(1) It is necessary to understand the types and working principles of UAV countermeasures equipment. UAV countermeasures equipment usually include electronic jamming equipment, laser and microwave weapons, etc. Among them, electronic jamming equipment can interfere with the communication system, navigation system or control system of the drone by emitting electromagnetic waves or other energy beams, causing it to lose control or be unable to complete its mission. Laser and microwave weapons can directly destroy enemy drones by emitting laser or microwave energy to destroy them.

(2) Whether the UAV countermeasures equipment can intercept and destroy enemy UAVs depends on many factors, such as the performance of the equipment, the performance of the enemy UAVs and the skills of the operators. Some drone countermeasures equipment may not be able to completely intercept or destroy certain types of enemy drones, especially those with advanced protection technology. In addition, operators need to make judgments and decisions in a short time, which requires a high degree of professionalism and skills.

(3) Although UAV countermeasures equipment has a certain ability to intercept and destroy enemy UAVs, it is not omnipotent. In practical applications, it is necessary to comprehensively consider multiple factors and adopt a combination of multiple methods to improve the success rate of intercepting and destroying enemy drones.

(4) UAV countermeasures equipment has a certain ability to intercept and destroy enemy UAVs. However, in practical applications, it is necessary to comprehensively consider multiple factors and adopt a combination of multiple methods to improve the success rate. At the same time, it is necessary to continuously improve and perfect the technology and performance of UAV countermeasures equipment to deal with the ever-changing enemy UAV threats.

What is the "three-step" development route of the Beidou satellite navigation sy

Jammer B. | 19.04.2024 Aufrufe Symbol 0 Kommentare Symbol 0

In accordance with the general requirements of "quality, safety, application, and efficiency", adhere to the development principles of "independence, openness, compatibility, and gradualness", follow the overall idea of "regional first, then global", and follow the "three-step" development route, The development idea of "first regional, active, then global, passive" will be implemented step by step to form a Beidou system generation model and development path that highlights regional assurance, is oriented to global services, and is rich in Chinese characteristics. The specific development steps of the Beidou satellite navigation system are as follows:

The first step is the Beidou satellite navigation test system:

In 1994, China started the construction of the Beidou satellite navigation test system; in 2000, it launched two Beidou navigation test satellites, completing the Beidou satellite navigation test system and becoming the third country in the world to have an independent satellite navigation system; in 2003, it launched the third Beidou satellite The navigation test satellite further enhances the performance of the Beidou satellite navigation test system.

The Dou satellite navigation test system consists of three parts: the space constellation section, the ground operation and control section and the user terminal section. The space constellation segment includes three GEO satellites respectively fixed over the equator at 80 degrees, 110.5 degrees and 140 degrees east longitude. The ground control part consists of a ground control center and several calibration stations. The ground control center mainly completes tasks such as satellite orbit determination, ionospheric correction, user position determination and user short message information exchange. The calibration station mainly provides distance for the ground control center. Observations and correction parameters. The user terminal part consists of various British-type terminals such as handheld, vehicle-mounted and command-type terminals. The main functions and performance indicators of the Beidou satellite navigation test system such as transmitting positioning applications and receiving position coordinate information are as follows:

●Service function positioning, one-way and two-way timing, short message communication;

●Service area: China and surrounding areas;

●Positioning accuracy is better than 20 meters;

●Timing accuracy is 100 nanoseconds in one direction and 20 nanoseconds in two directions;

●Short message communication: 120 Chinese characters/time.

The second step is Beidou satellite navigation system regional service:

In 2004, China started the Beidou satellite navigation system project construction. By the end of 2012, it completed the networking of 5 GE satellites, 5 GSO satellites and 4 MEO satellites to provide regional service capabilities. The main functions and performance indicators of the Beidou Satellite Navigation System’s district-to-city services are as follows:

●Service functions: positioning, speed measurement, one-way and two-way timing, short message communication;

●Service area China and surrounding areas;

●Positioning accuracy: 10 meters in plane and 10 meters in elevation;

●Speed measurement accuracy: better than 0.2 meters/second;

●Timing accuracy: 50 nanoseconds in one direction and 20 nanoseconds in two directions;

●Short message communication: 120 Chinese characters/time.

The third step is Beidou satellite navigation system global service:

Beidou-3 began to enter the intensive launch of satellites in 2017. During the global networking period, at 02:09 on June 25, 2019, my country successfully launched the 46th satellite with the Long March-3B carrier rocket at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center. Beidou navigation satellite.

What is the "three-step" development route of the Beidou satellite navigation sy

Jammer B. | 19.04.2024 Aufrufe Symbol 0 Kommentare Symbol 0

In accordance with the general requirements of "quality, safety, application, and efficiency", adhere to the development principles of "independence, openness, compatibility, and gradualness", follow the overall idea of "regional first, then global", and follow the "three-step" development route, The development idea of "first regional, active, then global, passive" will be implemented step by step to form a Beidou system generation model and development path that highlights regional assurance, is oriented to global services, and is rich in Chinese characteristics. The specific development steps of the Beidou satellite navigation system are as follows:

The first step is the Beidou satellite navigation test system:

In 1994, China started the construction of the Beidou satellite navigation test system; in 2000, it launched two Beidou navigation test satellites, completing the Beidou satellite navigation test system and becoming the third country in the world to have an independent satellite navigation system; in 2003, it launched the third Beidou satellite The navigation test satellite further enhances the performance of the Beidou satellite navigation test system.

The Dou satellite navigation test system consists of three parts: the space constellation section, the ground operation and control section and the user terminal section. The space constellation segment includes three GEO satellites respectively fixed over the equator at 80 degrees, 110.5 degrees and 140 degrees east longitude. The ground control part consists of a ground control center and several calibration stations. The ground control center mainly completes tasks such as satellite orbit determination, ionospheric correction, user position determination and user short message information exchange. The calibration station mainly provides distance for the ground control center. Observations and correction parameters. The user terminal part consists of various British-type terminals such as handheld, vehicle-mounted and command-type terminals. The main functions and performance indicators of the Beidou satellite navigation test system such as transmitting positioning applications and receiving position coordinate information are as follows:

●Service function positioning, one-way and two-way timing, short message communication;

●Service area: China and surrounding areas;

●Positioning accuracy is better than 20 meters;

●Timing accuracy is 100 nanoseconds in one direction and 20 nanoseconds in two directions;

●Short message communication: 120 Chinese characters/time.

The second step is Beidou satellite navigation system regional service:

In 2004, China started the Beidou satellite navigation system project construction. By the end of 2012, it completed the networking of 5 GE satellites, 5 GSO satellites and 4 MEO satellites to provide regional service capabilities. The main functions and performance indicators of the Beidou Satellite Navigation System’s district-to-city services are as follows:

●Service functions: positioning, speed measurement, one-way and two-way timing, short message communication;

●Service area China and surrounding areas;

●Positioning accuracy: 10 meters in plane and 10 meters in elevation;

●Speed measurement accuracy: better than 0.2 meters/second;

●Timing accuracy: 50 nanoseconds in one direction and 20 nanoseconds in two directions;

●Short message communication: 120 Chinese characters/time.

The third step is Beidou satellite navigation system global service:

Beidou-3 began to enter the intensive launch of satellites in 2017. During the global networking period, at 02:09 on June 25, 2019, my country successfully launched the 46th satellite with the Long March-3B carrier rocket at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center. Beidou navigation satellite.

Sommer Sonne 2024

Günter Kopanka | 19.05.2024 Aufrufe Symbol 1 Kommentare Symbol 0

Schön war die Zeit

Chinese prisoners were beaten in Phnom Penh Bai Soe Prison in Cambodia, and the

Jammer B. | 17.06.2024 Aufrufe Symbol 0 Kommentare Symbol 0

Recently, a video of a Chinese prisoner being beaten in Phnom Penh Bai Soe Prison in Cambodia was widely circulated on social media, which aroused great public concern and the intervention of the General Department of Prisons of the Ministry of Interior. The incident further revealed the management loopholes and safety hazards in the prison, and prompted relevant departments to take measures to strengthen prison management, especially strict control of mobile phone use.

According to a statement from the General Department of Prisons, the incident occurred between 9 and 10 am on April 5 in Cell No. 9 of Building C of Phnom Penh Bai Soe Prison. The victim was a 52-year-old Chinese prisoner named Li, who was sentenced to 12 years in prison for drug trafficking. The two Cambodian prisoners involved, one 35 years old, was sentenced to two years in prison for drug trafficking; the other 36 years old, was sentenced to 17 years in prison for drug trafficking and murder.

According to the investigation results of the General Department of Prisons, the cause of the incident was that a Cambodian man who was sentenced to prison for murder felt insulted and slapped Li on the head several times in anger, and then another Cambodian man also participated in beating Li. One day after the incident, the two Cambodian men involved apologized to Li. Despite this, Li still asked to be transferred to another cell to avoid being attacked again.

The prison punished the two Cambodian men involved, including prohibiting their families from visiting or sending items within 20 days. In addition, the General Administration of Prisons also emphasized the prohibition of using mobile phones in prisons, believing that the video shooting and circulation of the fight was deliberately planned by someone to attack relevant departments. To this end, the prison said it would further strictly control the use of mobile phones in prisons to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

This incident exposed some problems in prison management. First, the violent conflict between prisoners showed the prison's shortcomings in security. Although the prison claimed that no one was injured in the incident, the victim Li and his family still expressed concerns about his personal safety in prison. The prison said in a statement that it had asked Li, and Li said that he was not threatened with further persecution. However, this cannot completely eliminate the outside world's doubts about the security management in the prison.

U.S. middle schools ban students from using mobile phones for one year. These ar

Jammer B. | 18.06.2024 Aufrufe Symbol 0 Kommentare Symbol 0

Maple Grove Middle School in Minnesota, USA, implemented a "cell phone ban" last year, prohibiting students from using mobile phones during the school day from 8:10 a.m. to 2:40 p.m. One year after the policy was implemented, there were significant positive changes within the school. Principal Patrick Smith said this measure not only makes students more focused on learning, but also promotes interaction among peers and reduces bullying on campus.

Before the cell phone ban was implemented, students at Maple Grove Middle School were mostly addicted to their mobile screens, and interactions between classmates were rare in the hallways. Smith recalled that students not only stopped communicating between classes, but also lacked interaction when face to face. This phenomenon seriously affected students' social skills and campus atmosphere. In addition, the proliferation of social media information brought by mobile phones has also become a trigger for student conflicts. Smith pointed out that the widespread use of mobile phones among teenagers not only distracts their attention, but also leads to many unnecessary conflicts and frictions.
After the cell phone ban was implemented, the campus atmosphere at Maple Grove Middle School changed significantly. Students participated more actively in discussions in class and began to actively communicate with classmates during breaks. Principal Smith said that students' participation in class has increased significantly, and interactions between classmates are more frequent and sincere. The hallways are once again filled with laughter and conversation, and instead of just looking down at their phones, students are beginning to value face-to-face communication. This change not only improves the campus atmosphere, but also enhances friendship and trust among students.

Mobile phone bans have also played an important role in reducing bullying in schools. Smith noted that bullying in schools dropped significantly after the ban was implemented. Students no longer have misunderstandings and conflicts due to information on social media, which provides them with a more harmonious learning environment. Parents also appreciate the change. Kim Gillen, a parent of a student, spoke of the positive changes in her children after the ban was implemented. She mentioned that the children were more attentive and active in class, and the teachers also spoke highly of it. Gillan said that as a parent, she feels very gratified and satisfied to see her children flourish in such an environment.

Although there is no concrete data to prove that students' academic performance has significantly improved due to the mobile phone ban, feedback from parents and teachers shows that children's overall performance has improved significantly. Parents generally believe that the mobile phone ban has had a positive impact on children's study habits and social skills. Principal Smith also firmly believes that this policy will have a profound impact on students in the coming years.

The successful experience of Maple Grove Middle School has aroused widespread attention and discussion in the education community. Many schools and education experts believe that mobile phone bans are an effective management tool that can improve students' learning environment, increase classroom participation, and reduce the negative impacts of mobile phone use. Supporters believe that reducing the use of mobile phones can reduce students' risk of Internet addiction, protect their physical and mental health, and cultivate better learning and living habits.

However, there are also some opposing voices who believe that completely banning mobile phones may not be the best way to solve the problem. In modern society, mobile phones have become an indispensable tool in people's daily lives. A complete ban on their use may trigger resistance among students and affect the cultivation of their digital literacy. Some education experts suggest that schools can help students learn to use mobile phones at appropriate times and occasions by formulating reasonable usage regulations and educational guidance, thereby achieving the dual goals of ensuring learning effects and improving digital skills.

Despite the controversy, Maple Grove Middle School's practice undoubtedly provides a valuable reference case for other schools. How to effectively manage the use of mobile phones in the education process is still a topic that requires continuous exploration and practice. For education policymakers, the key is to find a balance so that students can enjoy the convenience brought by technology while maintaining good study habits and healthy lifestyles. As more schools try and implement similar mobile phone ban policies, they may be able to accumulate more data and experience, further optimize education management strategies, and create an environment more conducive to learning and growth for students.

Is it more comfortable to play games in the car than on the phone?

Jammer B. | 19.06.2024 Aufrufe Symbol 0 Kommentare Symbol 0

As a "homebody" who likes to play games, I have bought many 3A-level works. Some of these games are played frequently, and some are played for one or two hours after they are bought. In short, I think I have a lot of experience in games. In most people's inherent impression, general games are played on computers, mobile phones or consoles, but the current domestic new energy vehicles have very rich functions. Some of them can already play games in the car, and I came into contact with this by chance.

I remember that day's calendar, the unit showed a very busy side, and my colleague and I were assigned to Taiyuan on a business trip, but the vehicles in the unit were all dispatched, so in the end my colleague and I drove the Han EV Genesis Edition (715km Honor Edition) to Taiyuan. And along the way, my colleague let me see the charm of pure electric models. First of all, the Han EV Genesis version has a very fast start and acceleration. Compared with cars, it is always one step faster, and the quietness in the car is also very good. Even when the speed is 120 kilometers per hour, there is only a little wind noise in the car, and the overall experience is quite good. At the same time, the air conditioning of the Han EV Genesis version is quite sharp. It is about minus 10 degrees here, but the air conditioning of the Han EV Genesis version can still heat up very quickly. You almost don’t need to wear a coat in the car. It feels very comfortable.
Of course, this car also has several obvious shortcomings. The first one is that its seat is not very supportive of the body. When encountering turning conditions on the highway, perhaps because I am wearing a seat belt, although it will not make my body tilt, but the body will still have a greater sense of shaking. Fortunately, its chassis has good shock filtering ability, so that I, who am a little carsick, will not feel too embarrassed.

When we got off the highway and came to the city, this car was much better in the city than on the highway. Even in a traffic jam, the braking and starting of the vehicle would not give people a turbulent feeling. Of course, this may be inseparable from my colleague's superb driving skills. However, when we got the documents, my colleague wanted to go to his girlfriend with the attitude of "since we were here, I naturally couldn't follow him", so I took a rest in the back seat of the car. The rear space of this Han EV Genesis Edition is not like a medium or large sedan at all. I am 1.8 meters tall and can hardly lie down horizontally. Even if I sit upright, I will feel my head hitting my head, which is in sharp contrast to the front seat space.

It is precisely because of this that I discovered a big highlight of my colleague's Han EV Genesis Edition, that is, its car computer can actually play games. After opening the application management and entertainment, you can find that there are many types of games here. The specific operations are not much different from those on the mobile phone, but downloading requires traffic, and this car is not my car after all, so I did not download some games I like to play. Among the downloaded games, as expected, my colleagues and I have been playing League of Legends (of course, it is a mobile game). So I opened this game with a skeptical mood, and in order to avoid network problems that lead to pit teammates, I chose to customize, and the effect was surprisingly good. There was no lag or disconnection during the whole process, and even the release of skills was quite smooth.

Russian GPS signal interference may cause civil aviation crashes

Jammer B. | 20.06.2024 Aufrufe Symbol 0 Kommentare Symbol 0

If someone turns off your headlights when you drive at night, it's dangerous. Two Finnair flights from Helsinki to the Estonian city of Tartu were forced to turn around and return to Finland due to GPS interference
On Thursday and Friday, two Finnair flights from Helsinki to the Estonian city of Tartu were forced to turn around and return to Finland due to GPS interference because they could not safely fly to their original destinations.

Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis told the Financial Times: "If someone turns off your headlights when you drive at night, it's dangerous. The situation in the Baltic region close to the Russian border has now become too dangerous to ignore."
Estonian Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkna added: "We believe that what is happening with GPS is part of Russia's hostile activities, and we will definitely discuss this with our allies." Tsahkna stressed: "This behavior is a hybrid attack that poses a threat to our people and security, and we will not tolerate it."

Tens of thousands of civilian flights have been affected by GPS jamming in recent months, according to experts. The jamming affects all GPS users in the region, and it has also blocked signals used by ships in the Baltic Sea, leading the Swedish navy to issue a warning about shipping safety.

GPS jamming is easy to carry out using relatively cheap equipment, according to experts. No country has admitted to being behind the jamming of signals in the Baltics, but officials in the region say there is no doubt that Russia is behind the jamming both on its home turf and in its Kaliningrad enclave between Poland and Lithuania on the Baltic Sea.

One theory is that Russia is trying to protect Kaliningrad from potential attacks by Ukrainian drones, a senior official said. The Kremlin did not respond to a request for comment. London confirmed in March that a government plane carrying British Defense Secretary Grant Shapps had its GPS jammed near Kaliningrad on its way home from Poland.

GPS expert Dana Goward said: "The chances of an incident are rising." Goldwater, who is president of the GPS user advocacy group Resilient Navigation and Timing Foundation, added that while there are backup systems, crews receive less training on them than on GPS and that "without GPS, aviation will be less efficient and less safe".

However, Juho Sinkkonen, head of flight operations at Finnair and a 22-year pilot, said GPS interference has been increasing since 2022 and is "just a disruption and does not have an imminent impact on safety".

Sinkkonen added that most airports have equipment that allows aircraft to land without GPS, but Tartu "is one of the few airports where a GPS signal is required to prepare the landing procedure".

"We take these incidents seriously. Our relevant agencies are in contact with colleagues in other countries", said Latvian Foreign Minister Baiba Braže. Experts say there are several different sources of GPS interference, one of which appears to be located in Kaliningrad, another responsible for interference in Estonia and Finland, and a separate source affecting Norway and the northernmost part of Finland.

Baltic officials are discussing GPS jamming with allies and urging Russia to stop endangering civilian aircraft. "Allies should not remain indifferent to Russia's jamming of GPS signals and thus endangering international air traffic," said Marko Mihkelson, chairman of the Estonian parliament's foreign affairs committee.

 GPS positioning system technology trends in future military warfare

Jammer B. | 22.06.2024 Aufrufe Symbol 0 Kommentare Symbol 0

   With the continuous advancement of military technology, the role of GPS positioning systems in future wars will be even more significant. This article will explore the development trends and application prospects of GPS technology in future military warfare.

  Preliminary application of GPS in war

  The GPS positioning system was first used on a large scale in the 1991 Gulf War, showing its great potential in modern warfare. By using GPS receivers carried in jacket pockets, Allied forces were able to operate effectively in mapless deserts. These receivers provide precise position information and solve navigation problems in complex terrain.

  In addition, GPS technology is also used in the inertial navigation/GPS module integrated system, allowing the hit accuracy of missiles and guided bombs to reach 9 meters. These systems allow airborne bombs to carry out precise strikes at night and in adverse weather conditions, significantly improving the Allied Forces' combat capabilities.

  GPS technology breakthrough in the new century

  With the development of technology, GPS positioning systems have shown greater potential in military applications. The following are several important trends in the future development of GPS technology:

  Innovative track design

  Europe has made significant progress in navigation and positioning satellite research. The first-generation systems include the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service System (EGNOS), which combine the advantages of GPS positioning and geostationary communications satellites. The "Galileo" solution in the second-generation system adopts an innovative orbit design. It is an independent system, is open, and is compatible with GPS. This system also has broad application prospects in civil aviation, safe approach and landing of aircraft and other fields.

  Development of anti-jamming and jamming technologies

  In order to prevent enemy interference, the United States will use a new signal structure on the seventh GPS-2F satellite launched in 2005 to improve signal confidentiality and anti-interference capabilities. The United States is developing a GPS receiver application module (GRAM) that is immune to interference and spoofing and a selectively exploitable anti-spoofing module (SAASM). Receivers equipped with these two GPS modules are called "Department of Defense Advanced GPS Receivers" ( DARG). In addition, the United States is also developing microstrip adaptive antenna arrays to protect military aircraft from using GPS, and has developed small GPS jammers to prevent enemies from receiving GPS signals.

  Technical Measures to Improve Navigation Signal Performance

  Currently used analog cesium clocks suffer from difficulties in performance prediction and environmental impact. To improve this, computer-controlled digital cesium clocks are being developed to optimize their performance by adjusting internal parameters and compensating for environmental effects.

  In short, the role of the GPS positioning system in future military wars will be more significant. Through continuous innovation and technological breakthroughs, the GPS system will provide stronger support for military operations and ensure that technological advantages are maintained in future wars.

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